近期,ky棋牌官网实验室在海洋生态环境对台风的响应研究取得进展,相关成果以“Study of storm-induced changes in circulation and temperature over the northern South China Sea during Typhoon Linfa”为题发表于海洋学领域SCI期刊Continental Shelf Research上。论文第一作者和通讯作者分别为加拿大达尔豪斯大学Yi Sui 隋艺和Jinyu Sheng 申锦瑜教授,合作者有ky棋牌官网实验室教授、广东省海洋生态环境遥感中心主任Danling Tang 唐丹玲博士和清华大学国际研究生院Jiuxing Xing 邢久星教授。


Fig. 5. Distributions of daily mean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and surface currents produced by (left panels) the ROM-nSCS and (middle panels) HYCOM reanalysis and (right panels) SSTs calculated from the daily satellite remote sensing data on (top) 16, (central) 19, and (bottom) 22 June 2009. For clarity, surface current vector in right (middle) panels are plotted at every 9th (6th) model grid point of the ROMS-nSCS (HYCOM). The black box in c3 shows the region of AADL.

Fig. 13. Distributions of (a1,b1,c1) ΔU→A+M and ΔTA+M, (a2,b2,c2) ΔU→M and ΔTM, and (a3,b3,c3) ΔU→A and ΔTA at the sea surface at 00:00 on (a1-3) 19, (b1-3) 20 and (c1-3) 21 June 2009, respectively. The red dashed line in each panel represents the storm track. For clarity, surface current vectors are plotted at every 9th model grid point.

Fig. 16. Rotary spectra of simulated surface currents at locations (a) L1, (b) L2, (c) L3, and (d) L4. The vertical dashed line in each panel represents the local inertial frequency at the location. The negative frequency represents the counterclockwise components.

Fig. 17. Evolving rotary spectra of simulated surface currents at locations (a) L1, (b) L2, (c) L3, and (d) L4. In each panel, the green line represents the effective frequency (fe = f + ζ /2), the yellow dashed line represents the local inertial frequency (f), and the blue line represents the peak frequency (fp) at each location. ERS are calculated using a 10-day sliding window. The frequency axis is limited to the near-inertial band.